Sunday, December 2, 2007

And so it's done... the end of the line...

So i have finally made it! I only hope that firstly i remember what i have learned through this program and can do it again when i try, and secondly that i can find a time within the library where i may need to share my knowledge!
I have thoroughly enjoyed being annoyed and frustrated as well as amused and amazed by this learning 2.0.
I will definitely be taking a trip back to the ever amusing YouTube!(Haha, Justin Timberlake, his horrid brown suit and that beard! Thanks James!)
And podcasting Hamish and Andy as i don't often get to hear them on the drive home.
Well, as far as patting myself on the back goes, i'm just surprised that i managed to get through this! With a little help from a few awesome individuals, you know who you are!
Cheers to everyone who made it this far!